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The United States has developed giant wind turbines that are still higher than Eiffel Tower

Author:admin  Date:2017-08-11  View:49

According to media reports, a University Research Institute in the United States is developing a turbine blade of up to 200 meters of 50 MW (MW, or one million watts) turbine type wind turbine generator. If built, the turbine generator will surpass the height of Eiffel Tower in france.

The research and development project, called Segmented Ultralight Morphing Rotor (SUMR), is a researcher at the University of Virginia. In 2015, the project received funding from the Department of energy's Advanced Energy Research Projects Agency (Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy) for three years with a total of more than $3 million 500 thousand.

"It's incredibly challenging because it's so big," says Eric Loth, a researcher at the University of Virginia. In this respect, any other project I've done in the last 30 years has not been so challenging."

According to the Global Wind Energy Council, the installed offshore wind power stations in 14 markets generate more than 140 million megawatts of power.

The ambition of the SUMR project is great. On its website, the research team said the full implementation of the project will represent a major advance in maximizing the use of US offshore wind power".

in the United States, offshore wind power industry is still in its infancy. It was not until the end of 2016 that the first offshore wind farm in the United States on the island coast of Rhodes began commercial operations.